Friday, May 19, 2006

Pre-wedding Photography

After flipping through so many photo albums, we have decided on the "story telling" type of photos for our own wedding photos. We manage to meet up with Peter Lim from Daylight Pictures.
He seems to have alot of passions for his works, and we love the way he designed the photos layout. So we decided to sign up with him for both our Pre-wedding photos and our Actual Day photos.
We meet up with him today to view his works again, and make deposit to him for both the services. Oh.. time really past very fast, when Peter ask about our wedding date, Victor replied him, "Next year, today." All of us laughed.. The way Victor answer is so cute.. hehe.. So glad to have him. Yeah.. one thing less to worry from our wedding list.

Will upload some of the pictures after the photos sessions. Happy waiting.. ;)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bridal Boutiques

Other than the wedding banquet, bridal boutiques is the other "big" thing that will keep us running away and comparing the prices. At first, we thought of going to JB to get our bridal package, but later a friend of ours told us its not worth time and effort. She told us she regretted doing that, and advice us to not to follow her footstep. So we end up aborting the idea.

After attending so many wedding shows, seeing so many gowns wore by models, visiting so many bridal boutiques, we are more prepare and know what we want from a bridal shop. Those one-stop bridal shops really turns me off with their "hard sell" tactics, one of the shop even insulted us, when we say we are not really interested in their package. Another didn't want to let us leave until they finish with their "sales pitches". Then we went to some of those designer bridal boutiques, and was happy with their service. They didn't gave us any pressure, and their gown are much beautiful and of better material. Although these boutiques are much more expensive, we still think its worth it to sign up with them, as we want to feel happy and comfortable when visiting the bridal boutique, without having pressure of paying more for this and that.

Now we confirm we want to sign up with a designer bridal boutique, we need to make a decision on which one to take. Hm.. the fight is between Divine Couture and Silverling. Their style is very much the same, however, we felt that the quality of gown at Divine is better than Silverlining, and Divine is slighty cheaper. I bet you know which one we choose in the end.