Sunday, February 28, 2010

Alicia at Swensen Restaurant

Wow.. All the food menu looks yummy.. Ai yo, why so difficult to decide on one..
Er... Excuse me, where is the waiter ? I want to order hamburgers.

 10 burgers please.. hee..

 She is finally taking her own milk bottle after many months of trying. 

Now we can finally have our hand free when she is drinking her milk.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A 1 year old toddler

 My 1st Birthday Cake! Celebrated together with Mummy and Daddy.

Happy Birthday to our little princess! 
Mummy and Daddy love you very much. You enjoyed lots of love from both your grandparent, as you are the first grandchild of 爷爷,奶奶,公公,and 婆婆.You are our little precious princess.

Today we measure your weight and height. You weigh 10kg and you are 74cm tall. You are developing very well, all thanks to your caregiver, 婆婆 and 公公, and not forgetting your part-time caregiver 奶奶 and 爷爷.

You used to be a little terror, maybe because you were trying to adapt to life outside of mummy's womb, and we were trying to adapt to life with you around. We got used to the "tireness" with you around, and we understand that with you around, its going to be 23 hours of tireness for the 1 hour of joy and its worth it. You slowly transformed to a sweet little darling and princess with all our love, tender and care. You have brought lots of joy and happiness to our family, and many more to come.

As today is Lunar New Year 初二, most of our close friends are busy with house visiting, we decide to hold your 1 yr old birthday party in march. Mummy have ordered a birthday cake of your favourite cartoon character Pocoyo from . Let's look forward to your birthday party.

We wish that you continue to grow well and healthy, stay cheerful and happy always, and be our 乖乖的小公主.
 Thank you for this surprise present when I went visit Auntie Zanne & Uncle Joo Kiat home today! And not to forget Jaymee mei mei for letting me play with her toys. 

 Gift from Daddy & Mummy.. So happy that I have got more than one present!

 After unwrapping my present, I am so happy to find a talking A-Z reader and a shape ball.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Alicia's first CNY

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Dear Alicia,

This is the first Lunar New Year that you are spending with Daddy, Mummy and our relatives. I wish you good health and grow up strongly.

Love from

Dear Alicia,

Mummy is very happy to spend this Lunar New Year with you. Mummy love you very much. I wish you good health, grow well and be a guai guai girl.

Mummy (CNY 2010)